Friday, July 16, 2010

The Iron Horse

Went to The Silent Film Festival at The Castro Theatre with Ronald Chase who is my film teacher and Isaiah DuFort. Last night the festival showed "The Iron Horse," which is a 1924 movie by John Ford about building the Transcontinental Railroad.

John Ford is famous for his Westerns. There was a musician there who played the Wurlitzer organ throughout the whole show. It was electifying! This is what it must have been like when people first went to the movies. It was really cool. And the popcorn is the best.

Also, Robert Illes was able to help me find out the Kubrick book. The book is called Film Technique and Acting by Pudovkin. I can't wait to look at it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stanley Kubrick

Yesterday, at the Apple Store in Santa Monica, a friend of my mom’s struck up a conversation with Joe Turkel who played the hotel bartender in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining.”

When it came out that I am a huge fan of Stanley Kubrick’s films, my mom’s friend called me. Mr. Turkel talked to me and told me that there was a particular book that was Stanley Kubrick’s "bible" about film, that HE CARRIED IT EVERYWHERE. What I heard Mr. Turkel say (I was driving with my mom) was “Tudotain on Film” and that’s what I wrote down. He said it was a Russian filmmaker. But, I can't find that name anywhere.

There is a Dotan who is a filmmaker at NYU, but I think he is too young for Stanley Kubrick to have studied him. I did find Sergei Eisenstein. Can anyone help me with this?


Monday, July 12, 2010

A Painting Day

My understanding of painting is to make it look very Operatic. What I mean by that is that if you paint a Pastorale, the way to make it interesting is to use colors that draw the viewer in. The 3-dimensional perspective is that you are looking at one hill from another hill while the sun is going down behind you.

This is a painting I did today from my mind. I haven't put a name on it yet. But what I'm trying to do is make the hills look like gods and goddesses drenched in golden sunlight.

The reason that I haven't been on the blog lately is because this past week, I was in a meditation retreat. The retreat to me helps you to know that the reason why everything in this world is so powerful is because it is you. You are the eyes. Like I said in my profile, I see the world through my own eyes. I want to just take it in, like art, like air, like love touching love.

I'll put up some pictures of my friends from the retreat in the next blog post.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Who was that guy who apologized to BP?

This is one of the worst Histories in the world. It's like when the Asteroids hit the Earth and killed the dinosaurs. Only, this time, instead of the Sky going dark, it's the Earth going dark.

Here is my haiku about it.

frauds make world better?
with oily lies that ruin
sea and air and life

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Texting, Tarot, Flu, Faust

I did the Tarot cards this morning. (They are Pagan and Roma's mostly are pagans, too. I know this because they have the Tarot cards. They have the crystal ball. They can read your palms.) One of the things I've learned from them is that if you want something so badly, you have take a path that will lead you to the thing you want the most. That's how you get there. The sign in the picture doesn't tell you where I want to go yet, but I think it makes a point.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't been on the blog. I had the flu and have been really sick for a week.

Tonight is a very special night. I'm going to see the Opera "Faust" by Gounod. I believe he was a German composer. I don't know a lot about him yet. But, I will let you know what I learn.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mission District San Francisco

I spent the afternoon with my cousin, Tay. We walked all over the Mission District in San Francisco. There are all these totally cool murals in that part of town.

I was really happy to see a public telephone, too. There aren't always so many public telephones around here anymore.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tree House Down

Today, mom and I tried to take the treehouse down. I can't fit in it anymore. It's nothing but like a fallen antique in our back yard.

Well, the last two weeks have been so swamped with school work and getting my film (The Math Test) done that I haven't been able to write. I think that I haven't been able to mostly...well, sometimes when school is almost over, you start to crash. You're forced to keep going because you have to get all this work in. But, for your body, school is over.

But all the while, I have learned so much about History that I am totally inspired to become my own artist in life. I did my history paper on T.E. Lawrence and Lawrence of Arabia. I think what's great about that story was that he thought he was helping the Arabs to fight for freedom. He thought he was going to leave them to freedom, but what happened was that the tribes were fighting over each other even though he was able to get them to work together to defeat the Turks. Even though they were with him, fighting the Turks, they were still at each others' throats.
And then the Sykes-Picot Agreement (the British and the French) divided up the Middle East. Of course, Prince Feisal shouldn't have gone along with it, but he thought he needed the English to create a united Arab nation. He was a man ahead of his time. Way way ahead...cause now it isn't even close to happening. Seems like Prince Feisal can see past our future.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ja Mata Ashita!

What a day! I filmed with Duo Dynamic (that's Robert on the left, coaching me on my scene), my favorite production team for another "World's Most Astonishing News!" which is a Japanese TV game show. They reenact these terrible events that happen in the most dangerous country in the world (the USA) and then make it into a game show with clues. Today's episode is called "Pool Boy." I won't tell you about it because I don't want to give it away. I got to jump in the pool with all my clothes. No, I am not the Pool Boy. Ja Mata Ashita!

After that, I went into San Francisco to work on preparing my singing. I love singing and my teacher is really great.

But, I couldn't wait to get home to take a bath. I was cold and chorinified from the pool.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Dance Yellow

In sunshine
outside, the Carnival

Belly dancing women
and bare-chested men
wearing feathers
spin drunken happiness
at Mariposa and 18th

We hide in our studio
making movies
with yellow umbrellas.
It's fun.

We ignore
the reality outside
make non-reality inside
and it pleases the cameras

Two worlds like
magnets repel

and the yellow umbrellas

The camera is so happy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Full Moon

Today was a day I learned more how to sing. I'm working on a Duke Ellington early jazz piece called "In a Sentimental Mood." Later, I went to San Francisco Symphony. I invited my friend, Hayley, who is home from college. There were three pieces: Mozart, a piece about Persephone; a piece by an English composer named Robin Holloway. He came out for the lecture about his piece. He was expressing how he wanted the music to sound...that he wanted the instruments to be talking, to be saying words. The last piece was by Schumann, his 3rd Symphony, a gorgeous piece. I learned that he became very depressed at the end of his life and died of a broken heart. Even though he was depressed, he made music that was really happy. Now, I'm home and my dad is playing Jerry Garcia and David Grisman's "Pizza Tapes." All of the above is great FULL MOON music.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Still Working on the Film

Today I got to do the voice over with the actors in my film--Sebastian Kleppe and Margaret Weir. Also, we had to drive around to find a place where we could shoot an image of Sebastian walking on railroad tracks.

When we were on the train tracks, I was afraid the train was going to come. We finished the shot and got off the track and, all of a sudden, the train gate came down and the warning bell came on and we turned to see a train coming pretty fast. I still had my camera on, so I was able to get some footage of it passing by from the safe side of the gate. That was cool.

That's show biz!

Rocketfilmmaker-xd...signing off!

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Way We Get By

Life can only be understood living it backwards, that's why you have to study History. But we have to LIVE life forwards.

Today, to prepare for my World History final paper, I watched "The Way We Get By." It is a documentary about three old people who decide that their mission is to greet Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans as they leave for the war(s) and as they return home to the U.S.A. The troops come back at all hours of the day or night. They old people in the film call themselves "Troop Greeters" and they get other older people to join them, too. The leader of them said, "We support their dedication to the country, not the reason they were sent there. When Mr. Bush said, 'Mission Accomplished!' he didn't know what he was talkin' about."

The Bangor, Maine International Airport is a main exit and entry point for troops going to and from Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn't know that. Did you?

The film is also about old age. It has excepts of these people's lives. One guy said, "When I'm waiting for the planes, I sit and think about my time on this little green planet and the opportunities I've had. Some of 'em, I blew. Some of 'em, I didn't."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Good Guys TV Pilot

Tonight I watched the pilot of The Good Guys. My friend is on it. He's one of the cops. I liked it a lot. It was a really funny show. You could watch it, too, when it comes back on in June. June 6 or 7 on Fox Channel, same Channel as The Simpsons.

Today, I edited my film for Film Workshop. I'm beat. I'll write more tomorrow.

Your friend, Rocket

PS: Invite your friends to my blog. Then they can know about all this cool stuff.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday! And also my neighbor Sam's birthday, too. We had chocolate ice cream with one candle each while everyone sang Happy Birthday to us. Then, we watched Dr. Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick. Also, my mom and dad gave me Citizen Kane by Orson Welles and we watched it until we had to go to Sam's house for the birthday celebration.

A lot of my friends wished me Happy Birthday on Facebook. It was cool to get messages from all over the place.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Beautiful Train Day...More Filmmaking

I'm still working on my film. Saturday, I went up to the foothills and shot footage of the actor who is the protagonist in it. We rode an old train and everyone was so nice to us.

One thing about me. My ears are sensitive. I had to hold my ears when the train was coming because the sound of the whistle hurts my ears.

But, all in all, it was a great day. Also, when we were done shooting, one of the docents gave us a tour of the Round House. There are only two working train round houses in the US and this is one of them. The train from "Back to the Future" was there and I got to stand where Doctor Emmett Brown stood. That was cool.

The trains blew my mind. I learned about the ring of fire which heats up the rim that goes around the train wheel. It's called a "tire." It's about as thick as a dime. The fire heats it up so that it can be slipped onto the train wheel and have a snug fit. Also, there was something called the sand dispenser. That is a contraption that drops sand onto the track to create traction so that the train can brake.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rocket's Recipe #1

Mexican Spice with Noodles

Hi there! I thought I'd share my favorite snack recipe.
First add water to a pot. Then, when it boils, you put in noodles. Then, you pour Mexican Spice into it. A lot of spice. It's called "Mexican Blend" -- (cumin, garlic, paprika, white pepper, and onion). Let it all cook together until the noodles are soft and ready to eat. Then, when you put it in the bowl, you add Hummus. And Voila! You have a Paul Newman way of cooking.

By the way, last night I was at fundraiser for my film workshop at the Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco. My mom brought her camera, but forgot to take pictures. Michael Tilson Thomas, the conductor of the SF Symphony was there. I got to meet him. He was a very quiet person. It's amazing how such a quiet person can make all those instruments sound so big and beautiful together.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Making a Film

There are many artists out there that have different interpretations of filmmaking. They all have their own ways of how a scene should work in a film. Today, I filmed with Film Workshop and my film teacher. I knew what I wanted, but everyone expressed their opinions. I was the director and I listened to their input. Some ideas were good and some didn't help, but mostly their input was helpful to bring out my ideas.
Here are some pictures of me with my film teacher, Ronald Chase, with Max Sokoloff, and with me working with the actors, showing them what I wanted.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This is a picture of Director Clay David and me. I went to his production at Contra Costa College tonight. They have a terrific Drama Department. The show was a tribute to Michael Jackson. It was really beautiful and it would have made Michael so proud. I wish I'd been in it, but it's been a crazy busy Spring and school year...all those stupid standardized tests.

I went into San Francisco by myself on the BART today. It's the first time I ever did the whole round trip on my own. I felt terrific. And, by the way, I got carded yesterday on the Muni! That was another first. They Muni driver thought I was lying about being under 18. She thought I was older.

Friday, May 7, 2010

San Francisco Bay Day

Yesterday, I was coming down with a cold. I had to stop the cold because I have too much going on. So, I took like 6 hot baths and tried to sleep all afternoon in between. And I got up at 3:30 a.m. and took another bath which woke Mom and Dad up.

I didn't want to miss the field trip with my school today. We were going on a catamaran on the San Francisco Bay. My dad went with me and mom stayed home to write. She told us when she picked us up at the BART that she wrote a treatment for Oprah's new network. I'd really like to meet Oprah because she does a lot of good things for people. Maybe if Oprah knew about me, she could get more people to sign up for my blog. I want to do good things for people, too.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Temporary Fix

I had so much going on this week, didn't make it to Capoeira.
But, I did get to the gym. I like all the machines the best.

This morning, I woke up wondering if I was in the moment. So, I asked my mom, "Am I in the moment?" And she said that she thought I am in the moment. But, she also said, "Just to be sure, you could pick up your clothes. That would help you get into the moment."Now, I am getting ready for making a film. Yesterday, I spent the afternoon writing my shots down on index cards to organize them. Organizing is not my strongest ability. After a while, I felt shakey and needed to hang out with some friends. I went over the Nick's. Moses was there. We watched "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson. Watching Stanley Kubrick films calms me down because he was a master filmmaker. I've only seen it about 15 times. I like that it is a story that builds up to madness.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chomping Down and Way to Go, Brad Newsham (SF Cab Driver)

There are these goats in Oakland that are rented out to keep the grass down. They were out by Park Boulevard today, chomping down.

I forgot to mention that there were some inappropriate scenes in Import/Export. The Europeans have a different relationship to showing sex in cinema than Americans. They really show pretty much everything. I'm not sure what is more artistic...the reality or the inferred. In school, I was having trouble with the inferred, but now I think I get it.

At school today, the girl that I like didn't talk to me. She was sitting next to two other boys. I think she way shy about talking to me.

Also, I saw my friend, Brad Newsham, who is a cab driver in San Francisco, on a Toyota Commercial. Here is the commercial and below that is a video that someone I know did of him a few years ago when everyone was mad at George Bush about the Iraq War.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today, I watched a film called "Import/Export." It was about two different people who were trying to get work. That doesn't sound very interesting, but the way that the director filmed it was beautiful. The scenery was stark like "Let the Right One In." The film showed the poverty of Eastern Europe...the Ukraine...through the characters. It was bleak and gritty in a "Trainspotting" kind of way. The director was Ulrich Seidl.

Later in the day, I went to a chant. Govinda Jaya Jaya! I heard it as a beautiful chant that just takes you from being intense to being relaxed. Afterwards, I picked an angel card and got "Moderation." I had to ask Mom what that is. She said, "Not too much. Not too little."

Last, but not least, I had this idea for a movie theatre in Montclair. I think that it would be a great business. So, I'm thinking about looking into it. I talked to my friend Tom Franco about it. He liked the idea, too. He's got a really cool space in downtown Oakland. We could do the movie theatre there, too. Mom likes this idea. She said it would be good to try to be in business and learn from it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Magnificat and Food Inc.

Remember I told you that last Sunday we went to Grace Cathedral to scope out locations for a shoot? Well, we had the shoot on Sunday. The group that sang was called Magnificat. They sang a Baroque operatic chant to G-d. They sounded like Benedictine monks. The music just took me out.

I filmed it with Film Workshop. That's Max Sokoloff in the background. I tried to make my camera work look like moving painting. But, we'll see after I edit it. I'll put it up on the blog.

Yesterday, I watched Food Inc. It was really a great documentary and I was sad to see how the animals are kept out of the sun for their entire lives. Also, the way they kill pigs was really upsetting, by smashing them with this thing that looks like a garbage truck crusher. I like hamburgers, but I am going to be really careful from now on about where the meat comes the animals are treated and the conditions in which they lived before they were killed to be eaten by humans.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Am Not a Rock - I Am Not an Island

Dad and I played music together this morning. He plays guitar and I sang and played harmonica. You can't really see the harmonica in the picture, but it's there. That's me, playing it. The sun was shining in from the East. We did Simon and Garfunkel and John Denver songs. I never understood the words to "I am a Rock" until today. I thought the guy was really singing about being a rock, but today I heard it differently. It's kind of a sad song.

Then, my old friend Riley called. Good old Riley. He is a huge Matrix fan like I am. Riley has a beard. His brother, Mike, has a beard, too, and works at the Elmwood Movie theater which is a really cool theater because they show stuff that isn't always mainstream.

Mom made us move a woodpile from the backyard. We got part of it done. It's probably going to take a few more sessions. But there was a huge bumble bee flying around it and going in and out of the holes between the logs. Mom thinks there might be a bee hive there, so she said she would work around that area.

I moved a worm that lost his home because moving the logs exposed his hiding place. There were spiders, lizards, roly-polys, and some other bugs. Luckily, there were no butterflies. Remember the giant butterfly on Sponge Bob?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stalk (n.) vs. Stalk (v.)

The Earth's autonomic nervous system is pumping out flowers, these giant flowers. Their stalks (n.) are as tall as jungle flowers. I call them Oakland's Operatic Flowers. Wouldn't they look great for a romantic opera?

Remember from yesterday about the shoes illegal aliens are supposed to be wearing so that the Arizona police can stalk (v.) them down? I thought a lot about it and I still can't figure out what kind of shoes they are. I couldn't find the definition on the Internet. Sneakers could be illegal alien shoes. Flip-flops. Hiking boots. Vans. ...These are all shoes I wear. Being stalked down where you live and work? It's so stasi.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

G-d, shoes, and Jose German Barerra Ascencio

I was saying to Mom today that a lot of people think that God is a man. I think that belief makes women look weak. Who knows whether God is a man or a woman. I know that women are not weak. Woman are very very strong. So, it is possible that God is a woman. But it's hard to tell from here.

There was a man who died today in Oakland. His name was Jose German Berrera Ascencio. He worked in a recycling place in Milpitas and had nine children in Guatemala. He sent money to his family to support them. He never saw his five year old son. He was shot last week at night in Oakland when he was bringing some of his co-workers home from work late at night. I think we should think of him. He must have been a good man.

It made me sad to think that I was taking all these beautiful pictures of Oakland while Jose German Berrera Ascencio was dying and his children were hoping to hear from him again. And then on TV tonight they had this weird thing about Arizona and being able to tell undocumented immigrants from their shoes. What kind of shoes?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Here are some pictures that I took of natural beauty in Oakland.

I hung out with some of the kids in front of the school today in the rain. We talked about music. And I got to give a beautiful necklace to the girl of my dreams.

Here is an excerpt from my Biology paper--Autism From the Inside:

“When I screamed, I was just trying to communicate. But the words didn’t come. I didn’t know how to say what I wanted. I wanted to look at things, but I kept getting pulled away from them. I tried to say, ‘No, I just want to look at this!’ Since I couldn’t say it, I just thought, ‘Scream, Rocket! Scream!' It made me feel lonely that people didn’t know what I wanted, how I was seeing it, what I felt.”

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

[C-G-T][G-C-A] [G-A-T] and Duck Uber Oakland

Okay, I admit it, I rushed through the STAR test so that N wouldn't leave the classroom before I did.

Now, I'm home, cramming for the Biology portion of the test. I can't believe that 18% of the STAR Biology test is about Genetics. I think with Genetics, you can come up with many different color eye pupils. If you are a combination of one specific person combined with another specific person, you are seriously genetically combined.

I just took a break from the grind of studying and went up high in Oakland and took pictures. Can you see the duck in the clouds? And Oakland looks very cool from here.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Wow! Today was Film Workshop. FINALLY! I really don't like when there is a long break, but there was with Easter and Passover. Or Passover and Easter, in that order.

We scouted this location--Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. I love it there. I sang there with a boychoir when I was in 5th grade. Today, we went around inside looking for where we will film next weekend.

Later in the day, I got to hear the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra playing Stavinsky and Mozart at the San Francisco Symphony. Mozart's Violin Concert No. 2 in D major. K.211 totally took me in.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Violin, Schubert Mass, BbTt = BT, Bt, bT, bt and 10110101101

Fridays are good because I get to go to violin. We played a bunch of cool stuff ...Arkansas Traveler, a "Russian Folkdance" by Beethoven, a Chinese round called Hun He Ho.

Oh, and Mom and Dad took me to hear the San Francisco Choral Society. The singing was like waves of magic floating in the air. They played Schubert. He only lived to be 31 and his music is awesome. There were three pieces in Latin and one in Hebrew.

Today, we all went to the 1st birthday party of a friend. His name is Olin. His moms were so happy and we all had a great time. I used the FlipCam to film the party. And tonight I worked on editing what I shot.

After the party, Maive made me read about Genetics for the STAR test. It made me really anxious. BbTt = BT, Bt, bT, bt. And I'm going to need this when I'm singing? One-zero-zero-zero-one-one-zero-one-one-one-zero-one-zero-one...

Tomorrow, thank Dog, I'll be back with my friends at the Film Workshop.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Capoeira Music

Here I am learning the music of Capoeira with one of my teachers.
I played for two hours last night. There were congas, tambourines, and other things. Each instrument has a special name in Portuguese, but I haven't learned the names yet. We sang, too. I didn't understand the words, but it was easy to sing.

Capoeira is like a life force because there is dance and music and playfulness. It becomes a sort of language of it's own and draws you in. I read about the history of it this morning on the Internet. It was developed in Brazil by slaves. They added the music and adjusted the movements to look dance-like so that the slave masters would not know they were practicing a deadly martial art.

Today is more exam cram for the STAR tests. I don't know why they do the High School Exit Exam and the STAR just two months apart. What a stupid waste of money. How much more are you going to know about a student in that time period? No wonder they don't have money for the schools. Mr. Haket says, "They're spending billions of dollars on these tests." He says, "Don't get me started!"

A Happy Day

Well, today was the day for me to finally feel like I'm back in the saddle. What do I mean by that? I can pay attention today. I went to school and saw my crush, N(xoxoxo). She talked to me. I think I probably sounded stupid because I didn't give her a straight answer about the high school exit exam. She looked beautiful, like a goddess. It's hard to think around someone so beautiful because beauty is hypnotic.

On to other things, my teacher Mr. Haket (that's him in the picture) was impressed that I'm reading Howard Zinn. I have a picture here of Mr. Haket. He's the cooliest teacher on the planet. He even snowboards, but I think I told you that already.

Now, I'm off to singing and later today to Capoeira which I just started last night. Today is the music portion of the training and I'm going to love the berimbau, I am sure.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

S.A.D., B.S.A.T., C.A.S.H.E.E., R.A.C.E., U.S.A.

The rain has been getting to me. I think I have S.A.D. You know, when the weather is bad, you feel S.A.D. I couldn't think yesterday. It was like being a tiger in a cage. I couldn't sit down. Then Maive (my mom) got really loud. My ears hurt when she talks like that. It was about reading and school and what am I going to do. I already know what I'm going to do. I'm going to sing and act and make films.

It's this BSAT Official Study Guide book. It stands for "Bull Shit Academic Test;" like PSAT only with BS. It's written as funny, South Park funny, irreverent funny, so you can pay attention to it. It's supposed to make you laugh while you learn how to take standardized tests which I am really bad at. It does make me laugh. But I just don't like studying stuff I don't like to study--especially tests. And I hate Math. But then Maive told me that I got my best score on the High School Exit Exam in Math Logic. That doesn't make any sense.

So, she stopped trying to drag me through the BSAT and we read Howard Zinn's Young People's History of the United States and started on Middle Passage, by Charles Johnson. I read Chapter 2 in Howard Zinn which is about the roots of racism in U.S. History. Then, Maive got an email from a distant relative who is a rampant racist. She told Maive that "people in your part of the country don't know what's going on!" That woman said, "You don't get the real news." And Maive told her that she was "probably right, that it's been difficult to get the Pony Express out here on the Frontier."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Garden, Symphony, and Loneliness

Today, the folks had these guys over from early morning until late afternoon. They savaged the garden and my good old treehouse is going to go, too. Check out this video I took of them. I helped move a woodpile, worked off some time that I owe mom.

I tried all day to find someone to go with me to the Symphony. Brian was supposed to go, but we don't know what happened. He didn't sound right when I called. He didn't speak into the phone. Mom called later and she said he said only a few words, like, "Oh, yeah. I can't go. I was going to call." So, I called some of my other trusty friends, but no one could go. Violet was going to go, but she had a sleepover last night and was too tired.

The Symphony really cheered me up. It was Gounod, his ballet music from Faust. I enjoyed it as if I were dancing to the music. I imagined a carousel organ. A lot of the composers whose music is in carousel organs sounded like this. Then, we got to hear Duncan Sheik, the song suite from Whisper House. At first, I was disappointed because it sounded so like a modern Hollywood musical. But then my teacher explained that this is music that is very unusual for the San Francisco Symphony. I appreciated it more after that.

Last, was Vivier, his "Zipangu." That is an early name for Japan. It was mostly violins, cellos, and bases. They stayed on particular notes and it sounded like electronic music. It was kind of like something I'd expect to hear from John Cage. After that, we heard Poulenc. I love Poulenc. It had a similar vibe to Mozart. That would make sense since Poulenc is heavily influenced by Mozart.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here are some pictures of my singing class yesterday. Peter is my teacher. He's really cool. I'm singing in Italian. Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile! Opera is on my list of things to do with my life. Then, this beautiful young woman came in and he asked me to sing to her. I felt so happy singing to her even though I felt a little shy. Isn't she beautiful?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Hate Math, but...

Woah! Maybe it's too early to tell, but I see the start of a pattern. The first day I got one follower. Today, I have three. That's 1, 3.... Next should be 5. Following this pattern, how many days will it take for me to get to 1000? Is there someone out there who can figure this out? Hey, Mr. Haket, if you're looking at my blog, are you still snowboarding?

Math can be pretty hard to figure out because it's easy to miscount on your numbers or leave something out when you add it all up. I don't mean to get political on you, but I think President Bush had the same problem. Maybe Violet can figure it out. She's my sister and a brainy yack.

I'm still working on getting up the picture of me with Brian at The Ghost Writer the other day. Stand by.

Oh, I forgot to mention I'm working on an edit this morning for a graveyard piece called The Stunning Scilence. It's like Sci-Fi and Reality all wrapped into one.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Painting Greek Temples and Pink Kitchens

Well, I said I was going to Polanski's The Ghostwriter again and I did. This is my friend, Brian. We're standing in front of The Ghostwriter poster, outside the theater. This time, I learned that if you reveal secrets from the CIA, the CIA might assassinate you. I think the CIA is going to get me now for saying this.

Today, I prepared a canvas for my painting project. I talked my teacher into letting me do a bunch of paintings instead of taking History tests. I'm good at History anyway. It's going pretty well, I guess. Sometimes, finishing the art that you have can take a long time finishing it. So far, I've got one canvas about Time and one about a never-ending Greek temple. When I finish them, I'll put them up on the blog.

My mom (her name is Maive) painted the kitchen while I was working. It's pink. None of the other colors she's tried to paint it have worked. This one might be the winner. It looks pretty good.

I feel like having excitement on me today, but it's been pretty slow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Ghost Writer

A film by Roman Polanski. It's his latest film that he edited from jail. Maybe they let him have more than one phone call or maybe they brought a laptop over to his jail cell.

I'm going to see that film again for the second time today. The ghost writer is a writer from England. He is hired to write about a retired prime minister (guess who?), the prime minister's biography. It takes place on Martha's Vineyard, but was really shot in Northern look like Massachusetts. The locations look a lot like Cape Cod, but Martha's Vineyard is flatter. (I've skateboarded there, so I know.) It looks more like Montawk, Long Island. And my mom said that the currents didn't resemble the East Coast of the Northern part of the USA.

My first experience of the film was politics vs. politics, good guys vs. bad guys. But after a while, you can't tell who the good guys are. The bad guys see themselves as the good guys or they don't care how anyone sees them because they have the power.

It is politics that goes over the edge because they've been going over the edge since long before 9/11, making people feel fear, taking everyone with them.

I'll write more after seeing the movie again.