Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Am Not a Rock - I Am Not an Island

Dad and I played music together this morning. He plays guitar and I sang and played harmonica. You can't really see the harmonica in the picture, but it's there. That's me, playing it. The sun was shining in from the East. We did Simon and Garfunkel and John Denver songs. I never understood the words to "I am a Rock" until today. I thought the guy was really singing about being a rock, but today I heard it differently. It's kind of a sad song.

Then, my old friend Riley called. Good old Riley. He is a huge Matrix fan like I am. Riley has a beard. His brother, Mike, has a beard, too, and works at the Elmwood Movie theater which is a really cool theater because they show stuff that isn't always mainstream.

Mom made us move a woodpile from the backyard. We got part of it done. It's probably going to take a few more sessions. But there was a huge bumble bee flying around it and going in and out of the holes between the logs. Mom thinks there might be a bee hive there, so she said she would work around that area.

I moved a worm that lost his home because moving the logs exposed his hiding place. There were spiders, lizards, roly-polys, and some other bugs. Luckily, there were no butterflies. Remember the giant butterfly on Sponge Bob?

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