Thursday, April 15, 2010

Capoeira Music

Here I am learning the music of Capoeira with one of my teachers.
I played for two hours last night. There were congas, tambourines, and other things. Each instrument has a special name in Portuguese, but I haven't learned the names yet. We sang, too. I didn't understand the words, but it was easy to sing.

Capoeira is like a life force because there is dance and music and playfulness. It becomes a sort of language of it's own and draws you in. I read about the history of it this morning on the Internet. It was developed in Brazil by slaves. They added the music and adjusted the movements to look dance-like so that the slave masters would not know they were practicing a deadly martial art.

Today is more exam cram for the STAR tests. I don't know why they do the High School Exit Exam and the STAR just two months apart. What a stupid waste of money. How much more are you going to know about a student in that time period? No wonder they don't have money for the schools. Mr. Haket says, "They're spending billions of dollars on these tests." He says, "Don't get me started!"

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