Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stanley Kubrick

Yesterday, at the Apple Store in Santa Monica, a friend of my mom’s struck up a conversation with Joe Turkel who played the hotel bartender in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining.”

When it came out that I am a huge fan of Stanley Kubrick’s films, my mom’s friend called me. Mr. Turkel talked to me and told me that there was a particular book that was Stanley Kubrick’s "bible" about film, that HE CARRIED IT EVERYWHERE. What I heard Mr. Turkel say (I was driving with my mom) was “Tudotain on Film” and that’s what I wrote down. He said it was a Russian filmmaker. But, I can't find that name anywhere.

There is a Dotan who is a filmmaker at NYU, but I think he is too young for Stanley Kubrick to have studied him. I did find Sergei Eisenstein. Can anyone help me with this?


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